Substitute Information
Substitutes are an important part of our school system. Each substitute type has specific requirements that must be met in addition to successfully passing a background check. For substitute requirements, please choose a type below.

New teacher interest forms are processed at the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July, October). Please fill out our interest form to be added to our list. We will reach out to you soon.

New office staff/custodian forms are processed at the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July, October). For more information, contact Ashley Berryman via email or by calling (256) 734-2933

Our next CNP substitute orientation will be September 4, 2024. Sign up and pick up packets at the Central Office on or before September 3, 2024. For more information, contact Inez Malcom via email or by calling (256) 734-2933.

Bus drivers are required to have a Class B Commercial Driver License with a Passenger (P) and School Bus (S) endorsement. In addition, drivers must pass a background check, be fingerprinted, and pass all ALSDE requirements. For more information, contact Rena' Watson via email or by calling (256) 734-2933.

If you are interested in becoming a substitute nurse, please reach out to Lead Nurse Misty Freeman via email or by calling (256) 734-2933.
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, handicap, national origin or similar personal distinction, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination in regard to employment, retention, promotion, transfer, or dismissal in any educational program or activity which is under the jurisdiction of the Cullman County Commission on Education.